Donation Policy

Dot Line Space Art Foundation, a Company incorporated under section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 being Foundation “non for profit” which works for service as referred in clause 2(v) of Privacy Policy of the Foundation uploaded on

Contribution in terms of Gifts and Grants

Acceptance of any contribution, gift or grant is at the discretion of Dot Line Space Art Foundation. Dot Line Space Art Foundation will not accept any gift unless it can be used or expended consistently with the purpose and mission of Dot Line Space Art Foundation. No irrevocable gift, whether outright or life-income in character, will be accepted if under any reasonable set of circumstances the gift would jeopardize the donor’s financial security. The Dot Line Space Art Foundation will refrain from providing advice about the tax or other treatment of gifts and will encourage donors to seek guidance from their own professional advisers to assist them in the process of making their donation.

Dot Line Space Art Foundation will accept donations of cash or publicly traded securities only with certain documents mandatory under law are provided. Gifts of in-kind services will be accepted at the discretion of Dot Line Space Art Foundation. Certain other gifts, real property, personal property, in-kind gifts, non-liquid securities, and contributions whose sources are not transparent or whose use is restricted in some manner, must be reviewed prior to acceptance due to the special obligations raised or liabilities they may pose for Dot Line Space Art Foundation. Dot Line Space Art Foundation will provide acknowledgments to donors meeting tax requirements for property received by the charity as a gift.

Dot Line Space Art Foundation will respect the intent of the donor relating to gifts for restricted purposes and those relating to the desire to remain anonymous. With respect to anonymous gifts, Dot Line Space Art Foundation will restrict information about the donor to only those staff members with a need to know. Dot Line Space Art Foundation will not compensate, whether through commissions, finders’ fees, or other means, any third party for directing a gift or a donor to Dot Line Space Art Foundation. Donors acknowledge that visiting this site is an implicit acceptance of these terms and conditions of ‘Donation Policy’ on their part.

Donations of stock, jewellery, artworks, cars, real estate and other property are welcome ways to provide important support to Dot Line Space Art Foundation empowerment efforts towards art and culture and folk artists of our country. We’re very proud that we have been able to make every rupee count for folk music and artists. We assure that the use of gifts of property will be as efficiently as possible.

To request further information on property donations, please contact us or on +91 9769513626

Types of Donation

There are two kinds of donations you can make: One-time and Monthly. When we receive your one-time donation, we believe it was your full intention to support Dot Line Space Art Foundation’s efforts to empower various artist, musicians across the country with the help of technology. Because of this reason, we do not offer refunds on one-time donations. However, if you made a monthly donation and changed your mind, you can cancel the monthly donation any time you want. Call us on +91 9769513626 or email with your cancellation request and we will cancel your monthly donations within five working days.

Donation shall be preferably accepted wherein PAN and AADHAR submitted on behalf of individual donors.

If you have any questions regarding our cancellation/refund policy, please call us on +91 9769513626 or email

Last Update: 16th December, 2023