
Jin Sook Shinde born in South Korea, graduated with a Bachelor's in Fine Arts from the Hong IK College of Art, Seoul, in 1976.  She later studied printmaking at Atelier 17, Paris from 1980 to ‘83, where English printmaker S.W Hayter mentored her. She also worked at the Glasgow Print Studio in 2000.

Jin Sook’s poetics stems from the spontaneous expression of an inner impulse. Her subjects were her surroundings, the skies, animals, trees, flowers, human activities and portraits. Jin Sook works are not simply abstract variations of a landscape. Her recent work proves that she has begun experimenting with sculptures composed of paper, light, colour, and shadow. With these works, Jin Sook has moved beyond the boundaries of conventional abstraction, extending its desire and expressive possibilities.

 Her paintings are spontaneous brush work using natural pigments, strips of these are then positioned in such a way as to give the viewer the experience of the changing depth, space and surface texture that results when the viewer moves from one viewing point to another. For a long time now, she has worked with the horizontal positioning of the strips in her work. The linearity of the strips is broken by the splash of stippled red rain. In the artist words, she is constantly searching for the infinite in the finite, movement in immobility, and darkness in light. This conceptual explanation of her work, when taken in conjunction with what we know of her concern with nature, may lead us to conclude that she paints abstract landscapes.
