
‘To B or not to B’ is a series that began somewhere 2013/14 at a time when I was completely immersed in colour.

My studio would be arranged with drapes that were devoid of design. The model too was instructed to wear clothes that were bereft of pattern. Decoration of any kind was an abomination for these works. It was important that the whole body was covered in clothing because I was totally colour-obsessed. Once I was satisfied, I would click a number of photographs.

The text superimposed on the image was always ‘to be or not be’ …the verb ‘Be’ was switched by another verb like ‘have’ or ‘paint’ or ‘live or any other verb. The experience of dichotomy that this quote expresses is the essence of life. The script is not always legible as it rhythmically gets absorbed in the whole; losing its power to be read as a separate entity.
