
FROM NATURE-mental image of landscape (Mother Earth)

From nature-The image work can be seen as an expression of one's own self, outside the form, starting with the expression of the image starting from the form. The abstract image of the image of the beginning is the creation of heaven and earth through the creation of heaven and earth, It can be said that the fingerprints through the communication between nature and human beings, which are created through communication between God and human beings, are the beginning of human civilization. The naturalness that remains as a trace of time and space in these forms of landscape obtained from nature will be aesthetics itself. I think this is the most perfect figure in the landscape of Mother Nature. The temperance and maturation in these moldings are reminiscent of the icons or assets of human civilization and attempt to express infinite possibilities through the expansion of the painting area through the texture of smears and smears through everyday materials, while at the same time minimizing concentration and aging. It can be seen in the expressive way. The expression and shape of the restrained and restrained colour from splendour can be said to be the beauty of Cheonuimubong (天衣無縫) as something that cannot be expressed in words. Instead of transforming or attracting nature to create something, man becomes an element of nature. All of these can be seen as the beauty of comfort itself, which can be expressed in the words of ordinary and unpretentious. Naturalness is an expression that reaches the extreme of beauty. It can be said to be the beginning of our natural civilization, the presence of which seems to be there or not. These forms obtained from nature will be the naturalness itself that remains as a trace of time and space.

It is thought that this is the most perfect figure obtained from nature, which makes you feel with your image in a state that is neither splendid nor shabby. It can be said that they are feeling the civilizations of humanity that show the agedness that permeates the body in search of traces of time in time and space without showing specificity. The temperance and maturation in these moldings can be regarded as a reinterpretation of dimensional plane painting with modern sensibility based on naturally assimilated and assimilation materials.
