
We are in the Nature and Nature is within us. As the Nature around us is so infinite , same like that it is infinite within us too . This is what I think and understand . 

We can see outside world, we can see their different changing forms and dimensions.There is world within us but mind has to feel it. The outer world can be touched, the inner world which is abstract for me has to be merged. 

For this nature has given us a gift, we just need to be aware of it.

We need to be able to see our intuition,  to be able to see, to be aware of infinite, unknown perceptions such as various emotions, moods, sensations, subtle movement, action and reactions. To see the flow of nature in the space with the gentle passage of unknown colors.  

This is so abstract to seeing it. That is why i think my pictorial actions are going through the dense forest of abstractions. 

Ejaculation of our inner nature ,
Filled with unknown nature, 
With a soft spread of color’s,  
Which dressing down in space,   
It’s pure picture . “
